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Name:Cooperative Technologies, Inc.
Business Categories: Technology: Software + Services
Name:Cooperative Technologies, Inc.
Business Categories: Technology: Software + Services
Product/Service Types: Communications & Technology, Replacements
3301 Buckeye Rd, Suite 500 Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30341
Contact:Cheri DeBoer-Stinson, Director, Business Development
Phone:(470) 344-0104
Description:As the premier provider of exchange / replacement solutions, Cooperative Technologies works closely with industry partners delivering proven, standards-based applications that support replacement automation. 1035YellowPages® provides comprehensive ceding company data including eSignature and electronic delivery rule triggers, tied to ceding carrier replacement requirements, by product. 1035YellowPages supports order-entry and NB replacement automation, resulting in improved communications and faster policy issue.
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Cooperative Technologies, Inc.